Funky Effect Funky EffectTEXTresetResetnullnullobj propClr ClrsTEXTmakeMakeMakeMk nullobj ClssLyr belowboolTEXTcloudsCloudsTEXTmosaicMosaicMosaicMsc ClSzUntF#Pxl@.TEXT radialBlur Radial Blur Radial BlurRdlBAmntlongBlrMenumBlrMZm BlrQenumBlrQGd TEXTembossEmbossEmbossEmbsAngllongHghtlong AmntlongTEXT accentedEdgesAccented EdgesAccented EdgesAccEEdgWlongEdgBlong&SmthlongTEXT findEdges Find EdgesTEXTstopStopnullMsgeTEXTIf you are attempting the final step of my tutorial, then you will want to stop here. But be sure to add a color! (apple+U, select Colorize)CntnboolTEXTinvertInvertTEXTstopStopStopStopMsgeTEXTNow you will select a color for your effect. Remember, click "Colorize" in the next window. And another thing, the final final step will be a radial blur, if you want it the same as before, just press OK to the current variables.CntnboolTEXT hueSaturationHue/SaturationTEXT radialBlur Radial BlurTEXTstopStopnullMsgeTEXTU2001 Brandon Van Westen